Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nagao Fumi (長尾ふみ展) Exhibition at Gallery Tomo (ぎゃらりぃ朋) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/20-27) by Nagao Fumi (長尾ふみ展) at Gallery Tomo (ぎゃらりぃ朋) consisted of several very nice pictures - my favorite being the one shown here (photographed with permission of the artist).  I really like the colors, and... just the total feel of the picture.
長尾ふみ展 / ぎゃらりぃ朋

この展示会は、上の写真のような絵でした。 この絵は一番好きでした。 色とバランスと... 全体的な雰囲気 - 素晴らしい絵と思います。

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Yokouchi Mie (横内みえ) Lacquer Exhibition (うるし展) at Gallery Kobo 巷房 - (2011/08)

This lacquer (うるし) exhibition (2011/08/22-27) by Yokouchi Mie (横内みえ) at Gallery Kobo (巷房) consisted of two large creations (shown below) in the Kobo basement gallery, as well as smaller items in the neighboring under-stairs space (see 3rd photo below).  In the 2nd photo, the lacquer art reflection acts as an extreme wide angle lens and you can see almost the entire room, including the 1st photo art on a table, the sub-room, and the artist standing in the background.  この展示会は、以下の写真のような作品でした。 面白い+楽しい展示でした。
横内みえ うるし展 / 巷房
横内みえ うるし展 / 巷房
横内みえ うるし展 / 巷房

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Taguchi Mana (田口麻奈) Exhibition at Gallery b.Tokyo (ギャラリー・ビー・トウキョウ) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/22-27) by Taguchi Mana (田口麻奈), entitled: "Kakuremino" (かくれみの) at Gallery b.Tokyo (ギャラリー・ビー・トウキョウ) consisted of (mostly) colorful pictures similar to the one depicted on the promotional card (actually one-third of the original painting).  I told the artist that it would be a good painting to have on the wall especially in the winter, so I could charge up on color before going out into the low-color winter cityscape.  この展示会は、DM絵葉書のような絵でした。 こういう絵は、冬にいいと思って。 グレー都市の道に出かける前に色で満タンして...
田口麻奈作品展 / Gallery b.Tokyo

Gallery b.Tokyo's website is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Seto Tadashi (瀬戸直) Exhibition at Gallery Camellia (ギャラリーカメリア) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/22-27) by Seto Tadashi (瀬戸直) at Gallery Camellia (ギャラリーカメリア) consisted of paper cicadas in small open boxes made from advertisements.  It was a fun and interesting exhibition!  この展示会は、広告の紙の蝉と箱でした。 結構楽しいと面白かった!

The artist's website is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tajima Tamaki (田島環) Aqua Works Exhibition at Gallery La Mer (ギャラリー La Mer) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/22-27) by Tajima Tamaki 田島環), entitled: "Aqua Works", at Gallery La Mer (ギャラリー La Mer), consisted of images similar to the one on the promotional card.  Some of the images were behind a clear material that made them look very deep and smooth.  この展示会は、DM絵葉書のような絵でした。
田島環展 / ギャラリー La Mer

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Fujiwara Shinji (藤原慎治) Exhibition at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊)

This exhibition (2011/08/22-27) by Fujiwara Shinji (藤原慎治) at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊) consisted of a set of sculptures, most of which you can see in the following photos.  I also took a short video clip of the exhibition, which can be seen [here].  この展示会は、以下の写真のような彫刻でした。
藤原慎治展 / なびす画廊
藤原慎治展 / なびす画廊

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Group Exhibition - Art Space Rashinban (アートスペース羅針盤) - (2011/08)

This group exhibition (2011/08/22-27) entitled "展覧会R~ホップ編~" at Art Space Rashinban (アートスペース羅針盤) consisted of paintings by 今井康彦, 大畠諒子, 岡田圭佑, 笠原千鶴, 笠原由梨子, 後藤久美子, 斉藤ひかる, 佐々木麻実, 丹波宏之, 松本ほ乃香, and 宮蘭奈 (I'm not sure of the pronunciation of their names), all of Ryotokuji University (了德寺大学).  Some examples (from a brochure given to me at the exhibition) follow.  Art Space Rashinban's website has a page for this exhibition - [here].

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Someya Atsushi (染谷厚) Exhibition at Suzuki Atelier (アトリエスズキ)

This exhibition (2011/08/20-30) by Someya Atsushi (染谷厚) at Suzuki Atelier (アトリエスズキ) consisted of a series of interesting pictures similar to the one depicted on the promotional card, as well as more standard pictures - in a variety of sizes.
染谷厚展 / アトリエスズキ
About four of the pictures appeared to be based on the front half of the Titanic, as it now rests on the bottom of the ocean.  Apparently the artist was impressed/influenced by his time in Italy, and also enjoys diving - exploring old wrecks from WW-II.  Combining sunken ships and Italian cities, he has produced interesting pictures like the one on the promotional card.  このテンペラ/油彩の展示会は、DM絵葉書のような絵でした。 沈まれた船とイタリアの町のコンビは、結構面白かったです。

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Mori Yoko (森洋子) Exhibition at Art Space Mayu (アートスペース繭) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/18-25) by Mori Yoko (森洋子) at Art Space Mayu (アートスペース繭) was originally scheduled for March 14-23, but was cancelled due to the March 11th earthquake.  (I was part of a group exhibition in Ginza myself at the time, and nobody - and I do mean nobody - came to the exhibition in the days after the earthquake.)  The exhibition consisted of pictures painted on various sized cards - as shown on the promotional card.  この展示会は、DM絵葉書のようなカードに描いた絵でした。
森洋子展 / アートスペース繭
森洋子展 / アートスペース繭

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Suzanne Squires (スザンスクワイヤーズ) Exhibition at Gallery Kobo (巷房) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/08/08-13) by Suzanne Squires (スザンスクワイヤーズ) at Gallery Kobo (巷房) consisted of a range of paintings based on recurring dreams the artist had over the past three years regarding a tsunami... which turned out to be (unfortunately) prophetic.  The artist, who lives in Sendai, was actually in an aircraft approaching Japan when the earthquake happened.  The plane had been scheduled to land at Narita (near Tokyo) but the flight was diverted to Hokkaido.

The various dreamlike images at the exhibition depicted different aspects of the tsunami - chaos from within the water, bubbles in waves on the shore, etc.

この展示会は、画家の三年間見続けた津波の夢のイメージの絵でした。 3月11日に、地震が有った時に、日本に近づくの飛行機の中にいたらしい。 実に、事実はフィクションより、不思議です。

The artist's website is:

Architecture for Humanity

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Taguchi Kenji (田口賢治) Installation at Gallery Kobo (巷房) - (2011/08)

This installation (2011/08/08-13) by Taguchi Kenji (田口賢治) at Gallery Kobo (巷房) consisted of an interesting arrangement with two projectors and other elements (such as doorknobs).  It was an interesting effect.  A short video clip can be seen [here].  このインストレーションは、結構面白かった! 短い動画が[ここ]にあります。

The artist's website is here:

A short video clip:
Taguchi Kenji (田口賢治) Installation at Kobo (巷房)

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hayashi Hiroko (林裕子展) Exhibition at Gallery Kobo (巷房)

This exhibition (2011/08/01-06) by Hayashi Hiroko (林裕子展) at Gallery Kobo (巷房) consisted of hanging curtains that looked as though they were made of cloth, but turned out to be made from newspaper!  The artist explained that she took full-color newspaper ads, put two of them back-to-back, and then cut them into strips and finally sewed them together for the creations you can see on the promotional card and the photo (below) taken at the exhibition (by me, with the artist's permission).  It seemed amazing that no color was added for these!  A very interesting exhibit!
林裕子展 / 巷房

この展示会は、DM絵葉書と写真のような作品でした。 布見えますが、なんと、新聞紙から作ったらしい! 色付けず、そのままの広告を使って、実に面白かった!

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Fujimoto Yoshikazu and Tomikawa Kazuhiko Exhibition at Gallery-403 (ギャラリー403)

This exhibition (2011/08/02-09) by Fujimoto Yoshikazu (藤本義和) and Tomikawa Kazuhiko (富川和彦) at Gallery-403 (ギャラリー403) consisted of silk fabric parasols and some very interesting accessories that were created by coating actual objects with metal - including leaves and insects.  この展示会は、絹パラソルと面白いアクセサリーでした。
藤本義和 and 富川和彦 / ギャラリー403
藤本義和 and 富川和彦 / ギャラリー403

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Gallery Kazuki (画廊香月) - Ginza Okuno Building

A couple of views of Gallery Kazuki (画廊香月) in Room-605 in the Okuno Building in Ginza.  (Scroll down for links to videos, posts, etc.)  The gallery is announcing events via their FaceBook Page.  この画廊の発表など、FaceBookページで。  [ページの下の方に動画などのリンクがあります。]
Gallery Kazuki (画廊香月)

This short video clip shows the pathway to the new gallery from the elevator - walking past the former lounge (談話室):
Gallery Kazuki (画廊香月) in Ginza (銀座) Video (動画)


Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) Exhibition - blog post - (October 2014)
Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) - Video (動画) [A] [B] [C] [D] - October 2014

Yasumoto Ryosuke 安元亮祐 (ア, イ, & ウ) Gallery Kazuki 画廊香月 (2014/07/21)

Kitagawa Kenji (北川健展) 「廻廊にてー午前四時のシメールの肖像」 (2013/04/05-27)
Kitagawa Kenji (北川健展) Video of Exhibition (動画) - (2013/04/05-27)
Gallery Hours: 13:00-19:00 (木・日/休廊)

Kawamura Satoru (河村悟展) 「白鳥捕り 2013」 - blog post - (2013/03/01-23)
Kawamura Satoru (河村悟展) 「白鳥捕り 2013」 Video (動画) - (2013/03/01-23)

Gekka-no-Kajitsukai-8 (第八回 月下の果実會) - (2013/02/01-16)
Gekka-no-Kajitsukai-8 (第八回 月下の果実會) Video (動画) - (2013/02/01-16)

MIZU Exhibition - blog post - (2012/11/23-12/15)
MIZU Exhibition - Video (動画) - (2012/11/23-12/15)

Tagami Masakatsu (田上允克) Exhibition - blog post - (2012/10/20-11/10)
Tagami Masakatsu (田上允克) Exhibition - Video (動画) - (2012/10/20-11/10)

Ikeda Tatsuo (池田龍雄) Exhibition - blog post - (2012/09/15-10/13)
Ikeda Tatsuo (池田龍雄) Exhibition - Video (動画) - (2012/09/15-10/13)

Kobori Reiko (小堀令子) Exhibition - blog post - (2012/07/07-25)
Kobori Reiko (小堀令子) - Video (動画) - (2012/07/07-25)

Yoshino Kimitaka (吉野公高) Exhibition - blog post - (2012/06/20-25)

Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) Exhibition - blog post - (May 2012)
Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) - Video (動画) [A] [B] [C] - May 2011

Otsubo Miho (大坪美穂) Exhibition - blog post - April 2011
Otsubo Miho (大坪美穂) - Video (動画) [A] [B] - April 2011
Otsubo Miho (大坪美穂) - [Artist Info]

Kawamura Satoru (河村悟) Exhibition - blog post - (March 2012)

Midorikawa Shunichi (緑川俊一) Exhibition - blog post - (February 2012)

Ikeda Tatsuo (池田龍雄) and Tanaka Sanzo (田中三蔵) - blog post - December 2011
Ikeda Tatsuo (池田龍雄) and Tanaka Sanzo (田中三蔵) - Video (動画)
                                    [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M]

Utsumi Nobuhiko (内海信彦) Exhibition - blog post - December 2011
Utsumi Nobuhiko (内海信彦) - Video (動画) [A] [B] [D] [E] [F] - December 2011

Tagami Masakatsu (田上允克) Exhibition - blog post - November 2011
Tagami Masakatsu (田上允克) Exhibition - Video-A (動画-A) - November 2011
Tagami Masakatsu (田上允克) Exhibition - Video-B (動画-B) - November 2011

Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) Exhibition - blog post - October 2011
Horikoshi Chiaki (堀越千秋) Exhibition - Video (動画) - October 2011

Ikeda Tatsuo Exhibition (池田龍雄展) - Video (動画) - September 2011
Ikeda Tatsuo Exhibition (池田龍雄展) - blog post - September 2011
池田さんの昔話動画 - 2011年9月

Gallery Kazuki (画廊香月)  [FaceBook page]

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Zhou Hao (周豪展) Exhibition/Installation at Gallery Kobo (巷房) - (2011/08)

At this exhibition/installation (2011/08/01-13) by Zhou Hao (周豪展) in Gallery Kobo's (巷房) under-stairs space, was the long folded creation you can see in the following two pictures.  At a previous exhibition by this artist, I asked him about the effect of different types of paper on the style of someone's writing/painting and he explained how delicate paper requires a softer touch, and very strong paper leads to more force being applied to the brush, etc.  The paper used in this exhibition is apparently German.  この展示会は、以下のような感じです。

The artist's website is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Seto Aki (瀨頭陽) Exhibition at Seika Gallery (青樺画廊)

This silkscreen print exhibition (2011/08/01-06) by Seto Aki (瀨頭陽) at Seika Gallery (青樺画廊) consisted of a range of prints with many colors - which I imagine must have required a lot of work to silk screen, considering the possible difficulty of keeping everything registered properly (having some personal experience with silkscreen printing, registration is the first thing I remember when I hear the words "silkscreen").  このシルクスクリーン展示会は、DM絵葉書のような絵で、色はいっぱい使って、結構綺麗な絵でした。
瀨頭陽展 / 青樺画廊

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Group Exhibition (グループ展示会) at Art Space Rashinban (アートスペース羅針盤) - (2011/08)

This group exhibition (2011/08/01-06 - グループ展示会) at Art Space Rashinban (アートスペース羅針盤) consisted of mainly large pictures similar to (and including) the ones shown in the following photos.  このグループ展示会は、以下の写真のような絵でした。
グループ展示会 / アートスペース羅針盤
グループ展示会 / アートスペース羅針盤

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Group Exhibition Tsukutsuku Vol. 12 at Gallery Izu (ギャラリーいず)

This group exhibition (2011/08/01-06) entitled "Tsukutsuku Vol. 12" at Gallery Izu (ギャラリーいず) consisted of various components - from shoji (left side of top picture), to photos (back wall) and some other things.  このグループ展示会は、以下の写真の感じでした。
Group Exhibition / ギャラリーいず

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tomomasa Mariko (友政麻理子) Installation at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー) - (2011/07)

This installation (2011/07/25-08/06) by Tomomasa Mariko (友政麻理子) at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー) consisted of two videos being simultaneously projected with various clips of people calling out as if to hear an echo - and with others calling out in a way suggesting they are answering the echo...  Apparently the artist got the idea for this exhibition on a hiking trip to... (was it India?).  このインストレーションは、二つのプロジェクターの動画 - 両方「ヤッホウ」とかを言っている人たち。
友政麻理子展 / 藍ギャラリー

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Uchiyama Mokunen (内山木年) Exhibition at Galerie Kanai (金井画廊) - (2011/08)

This exhibition (2011/07/25-08/03) by Uchiyama Mokunen (内山木年) at Galerie Kanai (金井画廊) consisted of a series of paintings with generally vibrant colors - similar to the pictures featured on the promotional cards below (from 2011, 2009, 2007, and 2005).  The actual painting featured on the 2011 card was much more vibrant than it turned out on the card, but the vibrancy of the other promotional cards gives a general feeling for this artist's style.  この展示会は、色が印象的でした。 以下のDM絵葉書は例です。
内山木年個展 / 金井画廊 (2011)
内山木年個展 / 金井画廊 (2009)
内山木年個展 / 金井画廊 (2007)
内山木年個展 / 金井画廊 (2005)

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Yata Hannah and Yata Verity Exhibition at Gallery Uesuto (ギャラリィうぇすと)

This exhibition (2011/08/01-06) by Hannah Yata and Verity Yata at Gallery Uesuto (ギャラリィうぇすと) consisted of the collection of pictures you can see in the following two photos.  The artists are based in the US and so missed out on part of the typical Ginza gallery routine of spending a lot of time talking with visitors (in Japanese), but they did talk with a couple English speakers (from France and North America) on Monday.  ;)  この展示会は、以下の写真のような絵でした。
Yata Hannah and Yata Verity / ギャラリィうぇすと

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon