This exhibition (2011/04/04-09) by... Mystery Photographer "Tyuuouku"(?) at
Gallery Kobo (巷房) consists of some black and white photos similar to the one on the openable promotional card (2nd image below) and a huge picture of a rail bridge (that I rather liked) in the large basement display space; as well as an interesting picture within mirrors (1st and 3rd pictures below) in the under-stairs space. I couldn't find the artist's name on the promotional card, but there is the word "Tyuuouku" embedded in the address on the card, so maybe that's the photographer's name?
Mystery Photographer "Tyuuouku"(?) /
巷房Mystery Photographer "Tyuuouku"(?) /
巷房この写真展示会は、巷房の地下にある - 特にいいと思ったのは、階段下の絵と光と鏡... 疑問は、写真家の名前は分かりません! 絵葉書には、住所の中で「Tyuuouku」がある。 それは、名前かどうか、良く分かりませんので、ミステリーカメラマンな感じ。 まっ、とにかく、面白い展示会ので、見る機会があれば、おすすめです。
Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon