Sunday, February 27, 2011

Matsuda Toshiya (松田俊哉) Exhibition at Suzuki Atelier (アトリエスズキ)

This exhibition (2011/02/16-26) by Matsuda Toshiya (松田俊哉) at Suzuki Atelier (アトリエスズキ) consisted of a set of mystical-looking pictures similar in style to the one depicted on the promotional card. Apparently the artist first paints an undercoating on the canvas, and then draws on top of the canvas (and its background) with pencil.  この展示会は、絵葉書の用なハイブリッド絵でした。先週の見た画廊の中、この展示会は、一番好きでした。
松田俊哉展 / アトリエスズキ

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Koh Young Nam Exhibition at Kobo (巷房)

This exhibition (2011/02/21-26) by Koh Young Nam at Kobo (巷房) consisted of interesting ceramics such as the piece shown in the photo below.  この展示会は、以下の写真の用な面白い焼き物でした。
Koh Young Nam / 巷房

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Natsusaka Fuyu (夏坂冬生個展) Exhibition at Gallery Tomo (ぎゃらりぃ朋)

This exhibition (2011/02/18-26) by Natsusaka Fuyu (夏坂冬生個展) at Gallery Tomo (ぎゃらりぃ朋) consisted of tempira paintings of various natural settings in Japan.  The artist told me that she starts with a sketch made on location, and then does the painting later, based on the sketch.  It was a nice set of paintings and I rather liked the colors.  この展示会は、絵葉書の用な絵でした。色その物と色の使い方は、いいと思いました。
夏坂冬生個展 / ぎゃらりぃ朋

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Shimokawara Satoko (しもかわらさとこ) Exhibition at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー)

This exhibition (2011/02/21-26) by Shimokawara Satoko (しもかわらさとこ) at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー) consisted of creations made of paper - one example shown on the promotional card.  I most liked the creation on the far wall - which had a settled and balanced look to it.  この展示会は、絵葉書の用な紙作品です。バランス感が良くて、結構面白いと思いました。
しもかわらさとこ展 / 藍ギャラリー

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Orai Taro (オーライタロー) Exhibition at Gallery 2-Plus (ギャラリーツープラス)

This exhibition (2011/02/26-03/10) by Orai Taro (オーライタロー) at Gallery 2+ (ギャラリーツープラス) features pictures of the type of building constructed largely with traditional Japanese wood building carpentry, but with styling influenced by western buildings.  I like a lot of these buildings (although there are very few of them left now), since they have a warmth and livability about them lacking in more modern concrete and steel boxes.  この展示会は、大正時代と昭和の初めごろ作られた建物の絵です。あの時代の建物は、あまり残ってないが、なんだか、暖かい感じで、好きですね。
オーライタロー / ギャラリーツープラス

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Sato Keiko (佐藤景子) Exhibition at Gallery Platform Studio (ギャラリープラットフォームスタジオ) - (2011/02)

This exhibition (2011/02/20-25) by Sato Keiko (佐藤景子) at Gallery Platform Studio (ギャラリープラットフォームスタジオ) consisted of some interesting artwork featuring pictures of the artist/dancer (painted by herself), as well as a belly-dancing performance on the opening day of the exhibition (which I missed).  この展示会の最初の日に、画家がベリーダンスの演技をやって、その後絵の展示会でした。

The artist's website is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Imagawa Kyoko (今川教子) Exhibition at Jungaro (純画廊)

This exhibition (2011/02/14-26) by Imagawa Kyoko (今川教子) at Jungaro (純画廊) consisted of two part nihonga images, including the one shown on the promotional card.  この展示会は、絵葉書見たいな二部の日本画絵でした。
今川教子 / 純画廊

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Mochizuki Yuko (望月佑子) Exhibition at K's Gallery

This exhibition (2011/02/24-03/01) by Mochizuki Yuko (望月佑子) at K's Gallery consists of pictures similar in style to the one depicted on the promotional card (although there was a color shift between the original and the photo of it on the card).  この展示会は、絵葉書見たいなアブストラクト絵です。
望月佑子展 / K's Gallery

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Yokko Exhibition/Performance at Y's Arts (508) - (2011/02/22 and 2011/03/06)

The ongoing creation of the huge painting by Yokko continues at Y's Arts - (February 22nd, 2011).  Y's Artsのでっかい絵の完成が近づいてます。
(上) Y's Arts - February 22nd, 2011 (Room-508)
Artist explaining the process of creating his large-scale painting - pointing to a picture of it stretched out on the road in front of the Okuno Building.

This video clip shows the painting stretched out on the roof of the Okuno Building on March 6th, 2011:

Yokko Rooftop Exhibition/Performance at Ginza Okuno Building - (110306-1532)

The website for Y's Arts is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tokitama (ときたま展) Exhibition at Kobo (巷房)

This exhibition (2011/02/21-26) by Tokitama (ときたま) at Kobo (巷房) consisted of a full wall of postcards the artist has created over the years (note structure on promotional card), and (on other walls) three-dimensional pictures illustrating the meaning of some of the cards.  There was also an interesting collection of things in the basement under-stairs space.  この展示会は、作りつづける葉書と葉書に書いてある文書の意味の絵。地下の階段下のスペースもあります。

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Fujitani Mikio (藤谷美貴雄) Exhibition at Space-Q (スペース-Q) - (2011/02)

This exhibition (2011/02/21-26) by Fujitani Mikio (藤谷美貴雄) at Space-Q (スペース-Q) consists of images like the one shown on the promotional card, made with bits and pieces of photographs.  [Note that Gallery-Q has recently moved - see the map below for their current location.]  この写真展示会は、以下の絵葉書見たいな編集写真です。
藤谷美貴雄写真展 / スペース-Q

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Friday, February 25, 2011

(M) Takadanobaba Shamisen Player (高田馬場の三味線)

I stumbled upon this man playing the shamisen (三味線) in front of Takadanobaba Station (高田馬場駅) the other day.  For a listen and 360-degree view, see the video link below.  It starts off slow, but he kicks into high gear about three-quarters of the way through the clip - as a freight train roars past in the background.  この間、高田馬場駅前で、この三味線男を聞きました。 動画の最初は、ゆっくりですが、後ろの方テンポが上がり、面白くなると思います。

Takadanobaba Shamisen Player (110223-2030)

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mochizuki Michiaki (望月通陽) Exhibition at Shomeido Gallery (松明堂ギャラリー)

This exhibition (2011/02/05-23) by Mochizuki Michiaki (望月通陽) at Shomeido Gallery (松明堂ギャラリー) is as the pictures show it below - quite an interesting effect.  I haven't had time yet to discuss the concept of the exhibit, but will try to before it finishes.  It runs through the 23rd, so there's time yet.  This is part three of a series.  この展示会のコンセプトは、まだ調べる時間がなかったが、以下の写真の通りで面白いです。今月の23日までです。
望月通陽展 / 松明堂ギャラリー

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Yokko Exhibition/Explanation at Y's Arts Room-508 - (February 7th, 2011)

This work in progress by Yokko continues. In this video is an explanation by the artist: Art - Work in Progress - (110207-2023)  For more details, see the Y's Arts website.

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tanaka Hiroe (田中洋江) Exhibition at Kobo (巷房) - (2011/02)

This exhibition (2011/02/07-12) by Tanaka Hiroe (田中洋江) at Kobo (巷房) consisted of two large sheets of some kind of fibers loosely linked, forming kind of a porous paper, with darker fibers forming what almost looks like horizon lines in a landscape view.  The pictures below give a vague idea of how it looked, but since the dark lines were on both sheets, and they were both translucent, the lines shifted position relative to one another as you changed position in front of the exhibition/installation.  /  この展示会は、上の英語の説明の通りです。何ちゃって! 上の事を日本語で書くと難しいなぁ。まっ、繊維を組み合わせて、二枚の大きいな透き通った紙見たいな物が天井から以下の写真の通りにアレンジにして、見る場所から変わると絵も変わりました。結構面白かったです。絵葉書に書いてあるのは:「繊維 あることとないこのあいだ」
田中洋江展 / 巷房

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Group Exhibition by Seibi Gakuen College (星美学園短期大学) at Gallery Uesuto (ギャラリィうぇすと)

This was a group exhibition (2011/02/07-12) by students and teachers of Seibi Gakuen College (星美学園短期大学) at Gallery Uesuto (ギャラリィうぇすと).  One example each from the five students can be seen on the promotional card.  It was a fun exhibition to visit, as when I walked up to each artist's creations, that artist would magically appear to explain how it was made.  And for the instructors' creations, they also appeared!  It was fun and educational to learn how the items were each made.  このグループ展示会は、結構楽しかった! それぞれの作品の前に行くと、魔法のように、その物が作った人が出て来まして、丁寧に説明してくれました! 私は物作りが大好きなので、物の作り方を聞くと、楽しいです! この展示会の皆様 - ありがとうございました!

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Aoyama Daisuke (青山大輔展) exhibition at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー)

This exhibition (2011/02/07-12) by Aoyama Daisuke (青山大輔展) at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー) consisted of oil paintings similar to the one shown on the promotional card.  They're abstract images, but they reminded me of an old painted wooden fence - with the pronounced lines similar to wood grain.  この展示会は、以下の絵葉書からの絵見たいな油絵でした。これは、抽象画ですが、結構木の線見たいと思いました。
青山大輔展 / 藍ギャラリー

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Murakami Kanako (村上佳奈子) Exhibition at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊)

This exhibition (2011/02/07-12) by Murakami Kanako (村上佳奈子) at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊) consists of a collection of unique carved wood objects, primarily made from a single block of wood.  この展示会は、不思議な+面白い木造形 (以下の写真は少し分かる).
村上佳奈子展 / なびす画廊

There's a short video showing the exhibition - here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Friday, February 4, 2011

Kurosawa Yoshio (黒沢芳男) Exhibition at K's Gallery - (2011/01)

This exhibition (2011/01/27-02/01) by Kurosawa Yoshio (黒沢芳男) at K's Gallery consisted of a nice collection of abstract art.  The artist also performed some songs - playing a guitar while singing.  He has quite a nice voice and I was surprised how good his Japanese language version of "House of the Rising Sun" sounded.  It didn't seem like a translated song - but sounded natural, as though the original was in Japanese in the first place.  While looking around at the art after that, I asked the artist if he interrupted his painting from time to time to pick up the guitar and play.  He said he never does that - that he plays guitar after work - at work - to relax before heading home.  I found that separation interesting.  From a practical standpoint, it makes sense though.  Keeping his music and his painting separate prevents them from interfering with one another. (日本語は、絵の下です)
黒沢芳男展 / K's Gallery
この展示会は、写真と絵葉書の絵の通りのアブストラクト絵でした。ほとんどの絵がいいと思いました。しかし、この画家は、絵だけではなく、音楽もやります。しかも、声がいいです。ちょっと待って! 絵も音楽も上手い? 何だか、狡いとか、欲張りとか... (笑う)  日本語の「ライジングサンの家」を歌って、実に声がいい。

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Kana (新宿-Kana) Live in Shinjuku (新宿路上ライブ) (M)

I saw this street musician (Kana) on February 1st, 2011 on the west side of Shinjuku Station.  I pulled out my camera and took a quick video clip of the scene - and then began to walk on towards an appointment over on the west side... but it suddenly drifted into the forefront of my conscious thinking that I rather liked the music, and so I went back and zoom-focused on the small sign beside the musician's keyboard and saw that she had a CD available.  As her song ended I walked up and bought one.  I'm listening to it now - the last song "大丈夫" (It's Alright) to be exact.  She sings through my speakers - the evening sun is a bright orange on the horizon... and some kind of magic is in the air.  Yes - I remember again how important music is!  (日本語は、絵の下です)(See Japanese text and song list below pictures.)
2011年2月1日に新宿駅の西口の近くを通った時にこの路上ライブの音楽を見て/聞いて、急いでカメラを出して、動画を撮って、そして西のアポイントへ向かって... で、突然足が止めて「待ってよ! その音楽がいいなぁ」と思って、戻ってCDを買った。それで、今これを書きながら、あのCDを聞いている。西の夕方空が暖かいオレンジ色... 昔の自分 - 「音楽がないと生けられない」と思った自分を思い出す/感じます。最後の曲「大丈夫」は一番好きです。また聞いて、夕方の空のエネルギ/命が感じます。まっ、上手く説明が出来ないが、心がある音楽万歳!

The song list is as follows (with my English translations):

始まりの歌 - Beginning Song
どうして - Why
ずっと一緒 - Together Forever
おてがみ - Letter
弱虫ラブソング - Shy Love Song
大丈夫 - It's Alright

This is another thing I like about this CD - the lack of pretense in the names.  Just straightforward and clear names.  And one more thing - the musician hasn't mixed in English in the lyrics, which is greatly appreciated!  Too many Japanese songs toss in English without there being much apparent reason for doing so.

最後のコメントは、二つある。まず、曲名が恰好付けずにそのままにある。そして、曲の言葉が英語に混ぜなかったもありがたい! 日本語の歌は、外国の言葉は入れなくてもいいと思います。

Kana website:

Kana blog:

Kana - Live in Shinjuku on February 1st, 2011 - (110201-1943)

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Iwai Hisako (岩井尚子) Exhibition at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊)

This exhibition (2011/01/31-02/05) by Iwai Hisako (岩井尚子) at Nabis Gallery (なびす画廊) consisted of several interesting (mainly charcoal) pictures, with differing processes employed depending on the picture.  The picture on the promotional card is my personal favorite, and the card itself is quite nice as well.  In the second picture (2nd and 3rd pictures photographed with artist's consent), the lines in the picture were drawn with pen, and soap bubbles were used in the third picture (look closely and you'll find their marks!).  この展示会はだいたい炭の絵です。展示会の絵葉書の絵は一番素晴らしいと思います。絵によって、面白いプロセスが使ってある。例えば三番目の絵は、シャボン玉を使ってらしい! (よく見れば、分かると思います)
岩井尚子展 / なびす画廊
岩井尚子展 / なびす画廊

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Segawa Atsuko (瀬川敦子) Exhibition at Gallery-403 (ギャラリー403)

This exhibition (2011/01/28-02-05) by Segawa Atsuko (瀬川敦子) at Gallery-403 (ギャラリー403) consists of artwork created with stone stamps (hanko or seals) made by the artist.  A popular item are creative variations on people's names.  (Note: The promotional card shown below is from a gallery in Ibaraki Prefecture (茨城県) called Konkon Gallery [こんこんギャラリー].)  There were also some interesting iron pieces by a friend of the artist (see lower-right corner of photo below).  この展示会は、石の判子(篆刻)と判子で作った絵。それと、アーティストの友達の鉄の物(以下の写真の右下)。結構面白いので、いつか注文したいと思って。
瀬川敦子 / ギャラリー403
瀬川敦子 / ギャラリー403

The current exhibition is at Gallery-403 in Ginza.

The website for the Konkon Gallery (こんこんギャラリー) is:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Yokko Exhibition/Performance at Y's Arts - (January 31st, 2011)

This 2011 Exhibition/Performance by Yokko at Y's Arts (in Room-508 of the Okuno Building) is a work in progress - with the following three photographs and several video clips on YouTube (links below) showing the early stages of the project.  As the artist explained it to me, the concept is one of starting with something and expanding outward - beyond the rectangular confines of a traditional picture.  The three walls of the room are covered with one large canvas stretching around the room, and it might be displayed/used on the floor of another space (more on that as events unfold!).  この展示会/パフォーマンスは、ほとんど部屋中の絵がどんどん書いている。壁らしいな感じ何だけど、一つの巨大なカンバスです。ここで文書でどんじゃらこんじゃらを書くよりも、以下の写真とそのまた下の動画を見れば、分かる - とっくに動画の方がよく見れます。完成は、まだ先です。
Yokko / Y's Arts (508)
Yokko / Y's Arts (508)

Art - Work in Progress - Sketches (110131-1522)

Art - Work in Progress - (110131-1959)

Art - Work in Progress - (110131-2003)

Art - Work in Progress (110131-2025)

Art - Work in Progress - Left Wall (110131-2042)

Art - Work in Progress - Left Wall - (110131-2047)

Art - Work in Progress - Hallway to Painting (110131-2057)

The website for Y's Arts is here:

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Izumi Haruki (和泉晴紀) Exhibition at Ginza Modern Art (銀座モダンアート) - (2011/02)

This exhibition (2011/01/27-02/01) by Izumi Haruki (和泉晴紀) at Ginza Modern Art (銀座モダンアート) consisted of paintings of largely musicians - with several from the sixties and seventies, including a few striking portraits of Neil Young.  Also on display were manga that the artist has drawn.  He told me that basically he's a manga artist, but also paints.  The picture on the promotional card is one he did for a (now defunct) band.
和泉晴紀 / 銀座モダンアート


Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Group Exhibiton at Gallery Seikodo (セイコウドウ)

This group exhibition (2011/01/31-02/10) by Takamura Yuko (高村木綿子), Ozawa Toshiko (尾澤とし子) and Hiromoto Naoko (廣本直子) at Gallery Seikodo (セイコウドウ) consisted of three types of art: oil paintings, nihonga paintings, and string art (with the string being made by hand from washi paper).  この展示会は、三人と三つのプロセスです。日本画と油絵と... 紐絵(正しい言い方が分かりませんが、和紙から紐を作って、絵の作成)です。
高村木綿子, 尾澤とし子 and 廣本直子 / セイコウドウ

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Hara Michiko (原道子) Exhibition at Jungaro (純画廊)

This exhibition (2011/01/24-02/05) featuring Hara Michiko (原道子) at Jungaro (純画廊) included the picture on the promotional card - which I liked the best out of the various pictures on display.  (Note: I'm not sure about the pronunciation of the name - when I looked at the pictures, I didn't discuss them with the gallery owner.)  この展示会の一番気に入った絵は、以下の絵葉書の絵でした。画廊に入って、早速話を脱線してしまって、展示会のディテールを聞かなかった。今度、もっと気をつけます!
原道子 / 純画廊

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon

Hibino Emi (日比野絵美) Exhibition at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー)

This exhibition/installation (2011/01/31-02/05) by Hibino Emi (日比野絵美) at Ai Gallery (藍ギャラリー) was suitably named "White Room" - which is accurate enough, as you can see from this photo of the venue/exhibition.  For me personally, the effect of the pictures reminded me of the screen part of an old screen door in a house I used to live in, which produced a similar effect when looking at the summer world outside from the cooler interior of the house....  この展示会の題名は「White Room」です。ギャラリーに入ると、まさに真っ白なので、題名はあってます! 絵は、一つ一つを見るよりも、全体的に見ると、インストレーションの感じで見られます。
日比野絵美展 / 藍ギャラリー

Lyle (Hiroshi) Saxon